Portrait of the Marchioness of Encinares

Technical details
The magnificent Portrait of the Marchioness of Encinares, painted in 1917, is undoubtedly one of the most important works by the Aragonese artist Francisco Pradilla. Juana Jiménez Vázquez, a woman of great youthful beauty, was so delighted with the portrait that Pradilla had painted for her that, not only did she have her photograph taken with the artist in his studio, both standing on either side of the portrait, but also lent it to him so that he could show it at an exhibition in Madrid the same year. Unfortunately, she would die a few months later, in October 1918. In addition to the beauty of the model and her elegant pose, emanating sophistication, a feature of this aristocratic portrait is the blue satin cape that enhances the black ensemble worn by the lady.